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Date Health Benefits

Here are only a few reasons why you should eat dates on a regular basis.

Rich in:

Fiber - Supplying you with 27% of the recommended daily allowance.

Potassium - Medjool dates contain the highest amount of potassium when compared to any other fruit or vegetable.

Energy - Natural sugars combined with potassium keep you invigorated with energy.

Great for:

A healthy snack - Dates are free from cholesterol, have no sodium and contain very little fat.

A substitute for sugar - Their high fiber content keeps you full for longer hence curbing the cravings.

An anti-ageing fix - The carotenoid antioxidants preserve skin health, and can act as UV light reflectors.

Can help with:

Regulating blood pressure - They provide plenty of minerals that ward off cardiovascular attacks.

Strengthening the nervous system - Potassium helps to reduce cholesterol and lowers the risk of a stroke.

Digestion - Their high fibre content is recommended for those who have trouble with constipation.